I thought that the page rank system that Google implemented was interesting. Which pretty much catapulted them to internet glory in which they were able to start establishing their empire! Now I use the term empire due to a little segment I saw on the ‘Hungry Beast’ which you guys might like- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7yfV6RzE30 unfortunately it’s not available on the site anymore but I still recommend checking it out!
The way that AJAX was implemented it the webpage Twistori I thought was really impressive and it had me thinking about possible webpage designs that could implement it in a similar way. My immediate thoughts were about tag clouds, not that I have a problem with tag clouds just they can be really ugly sometimes depending on the colours the designer picked. It can sometimes just make a page look a bit disorganised. So working on the same idea that Twistori put together, why not use it in a similar way for tag clouds. We create a search bar in a cloud graphic then when a user searches a tag AJAX does its thing and we have links to articles that are related to the tag fall out of the cloud down the page. When the user clicks on a tag as it passes we have the article pop up in a blackout window. User can then return to continue searching through articles.
We have two options with what happens with the articles that are still moving. It could just be a continuous cycle of a few articles or could we program the AJAX to freeze the feed of tags while the user is reading?
Anyone have any thoughts?
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