So, been thinking about the idea that I was ranting about the other day- alternative to tag clouds and I have further developed it with a couple guys in my tutorial. So essentially if you remember this started off as an alternative to tag clouds. However, the site design has now become a service that will connect designers to companies that may need a fresh design for their business or a band that need a new t-shirt design. It's all about connections.
So what we have suggested is that we have a cloud graphic which you can search a tag for instance water. This will then bring up nodes of words that are related to water such as waves- then this allows you to look at designs or graphics that are wave related. From there you can click on a image and this will bring the image up and blackout the rest of the screen. You will have the graphic, a brief synopsis from the artist what it is about, a method of contact and other works from the artist which you can dive into so sand graphic would then allow you to see his and then others designs involving sand.
With this we would like to offer user accounts for artists in doing so we could set up a chat system so that consumers could have live chats with artist about work they would like them to be involved in.
Technologies that this could involve- Sea Dragon so we have that smooth picture diving capability, APIs so that artists won't have to re-upload work to our server, we would probably rent out server space off-site for user information. Possibly page rank system for the popularity of particular designs and incorporating consumer feedback.
Possibly drawbacks- Bandwidth always with the bandwidth!
Ways to monetize- commissions so we have a small commission for providing the medium and contact between artist/designer and consumer.
I do have a step by step images but I did them in Flash so will have to post them later as I don't have flash on this system =)
Okay I have an update on this! Turns out it has been done... not the application but the tag search thing sadly Tag Galaxy has beat me to it and its pretty incredible I suggest you check it out google it whatever but be aware its very pretty and will eat your bandwidth!