Monday, March 15, 2010

HTML + CSS Semantic Mark-up

The Semantic Mark-up is definitely much easier than Presentational mark-up. Though I never really thought of HTML Semantic Mark-up cause I have always used it. Not to say that I knew that it was called that or anything just it was shown to me as a basic thing in HTML couldn't really imagine doing anything without it. Semantic mark-up is tags that help describe what is happening in the code. Such as when you use This is bold you are telling the computer that the text in between the 'B' tags are bold. Another one for instance is  This is emphasised here the text has been emphasised.

As for Non-semantic mark-up, I'm just going to take a stab at it but I think that presentational mark-up is a form of non-semantic mark-up. As Semantic means logical and reading presentation mark-up does not really come off logical to read. Welcome to the site  It's pretty messy and hard follow, you can decode it but far simpler and much more logical to assign tags. 

Cascading in Cascading style sheets refers to the fact that multiple style sheets can be applied to a single web-page.

My Assignment is coming along well still have a few things I would like to set up such as a Search Bar. Though I think that I will probably spend the most of the final week writing content for the each artist.

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